Like other cancers, prostate cancer can spread if the cancer cells grow out of control. At ITC, we treat all different types of cancer and know that patients often have a lot of questions surrounding their diagnosis. 

We often are asked — what is prostate cancer? Can prostate cancer spread? How is it diagnosed? And more. At Immunity Therapy Center, we know that each diagnosis is unique and every patient is different which is why we focus on a holistic approach to prostate cancer. And we believe that when patients have the knowledge, they’re more likely to take control of their health.

To give you the knowledge to prepare, let’s take a closer look at prostate cancer, what symptoms to look for, and how it can spread.

What is Prostate Cancer?

Cancer can begin anywhere in the body. Prostate cancer begins 1 in a man’s prostate gland and starts when the cells of the prostate grow rapidly. Though prostate cancer is a disease mostly found in a man’s prostate gland, people still wonder can women get prostate cancer? The answer is, yes. Doctors are unsure why prostate cancer occurs; some of the risk factors include age, race, genetic history, and obesity. Prostate cancer risk increases with age, and it’s shown that African-American men face a greater risk compared to men of different races. Prostate cancer can be hereditary as well. So far as genetic history, the likelihood of developing prostate cancer increases if men in your family have had prostate cancer, or women in your family have had breast cancer. In addition, prostate cancer — like other forms of cancer — is linked to obesity. Obese patients typically will have a more aggressive form of prostate cancer. When prostate cancer spreads to the bones or other organs, it’s referred to as metastasis.

In addition to being one of the most common cancers amongst men, prostate cancer is also one of the most successfully treated. It’s typically (but not in every case) a slow-growing cancer that lingers in the prostate gland without spreading or causing serious damage. However, if prostate cancer is left untreated, it will eventually destroy the prostate and metastasize in local and distant organs.

There are several different types of prostate cancer. The most common types of prostate cancer found in patients include:

  • Acinar adenocarcinoma: Cancerous cells or tumors that originate in the gland cells lining the prostate gland. This accounts for the vast majority of cases of prostate cancer.
  • Ductal adenocarcinoma: Begins in the cells that line the prostate gland’s ducts. It’s a more aggressive and more invasive form of adenocarcinoma.
  • Transitional cell cancer: Also known as urothelial cancer, this starts in the cells that line the urethra. While it can begin in the prostate, it most commonly starts in the bladder and then spreads to the prostate.
  • Squamous cell cancer: A quickly developing and spreading cancer cells that grow on the flat cells covering the prostate.
  • Small cell prostate cancer: A form of neuroendocrine cancer that is composed of small round cells.

According to the American Cancer Society 2 , annually, there’ll be about 174,650 new cases of prostate cancer and about 31,620 deaths from prostate cancer, with the average prostate cancer patient being a man over the age of 65 years of age. 

How is it Diagnosed and How Fast Does it Grow?

Prostate cancer often grows slowly, and most men with early-stage prostate cancer don’t notice any symptoms. Symptoms are often noticed later on as the cancer grows. The signs include trouble urinating, blood in the urine, erectile dysfunction, and pain in the back, hips, ribs, or other bones.

According to the American Cancer Society 3 , prostate cancer tests include the following:

  • PSA blood test: PSA is a protein that’s made by the prostate gland. It’s found in the blood and prostate cancer can make the PSA levels go up. 
  • Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS): With a TRUS, a small wand that gives off sound waves is put into the rectum. It picks up echoes as they bounce off the prostate gland.
  • MRI: The MRI test uses radio waves and strong magnets to create detailed pictures of the body. With prostate cancer tests, these scans look at the prostate to see if the cancer has spread.
  • Prostate biopsy: During a prostate biopsy, a needle is used to take out pieces of the prostate. The pieces are then analyzed to check for cancer cells.
  • Lymph node biopsy: A lymph node biopsy is performed when a doctor believes that prostate cancer may have spread to lymph nodes. 
  • CT scan: Also called a CAT scan, this test uses x-rays to create detailed pictures of the body and can often be used to show whether cancer has spread. 
  • Bone scan: A bone scan might be performed to see if the cancer has spread to the bones. To do this test, small amounts of a low-level radioactive substance is put into the blood. It will move to the damaged parts of the bone, so a camera can detect it.

Though there are plenty of tests that one can go through to check if you have prostate cancer, there are other ways of how to check for prostate cancer at home. 

Where Prostate Cancer Spreads?

Many patients ask, can prostate cancer spread? The answer is, yes. Roughly 80 percent of the time 4 , when prostate cancer cells spread, they spread to bones 5 . Often, the cells spread to the hips, spine, and pelvic bones. This either happens as the cells travel through the blood or lymph nodes or direct invasion. When the cells relocate, they grow and form new tumors (still classified as prostate cancer, as this is where the cancer initially began). 

The good news is that for most men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer, it’s not terminal. Over 3.1 million men in America who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer are alive today. 

Aside from skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer 6 in American men, with 1 of 9 men diagnosed in their lifetime. If caught early, there are a variety of treatments, including taking the holistic approach to prostate cancer. 

Symptoms That Happen When the Cancer Spreads 

When bone metastases occur, there may be new symptoms, like weak bones, spinal cord compression, high blood calcium levels, and stiffness, or pain in the hips, thighs or back. These symptoms can cause extreme feelings of pain and discomfort, such as nerve damage and muscle weakness brought on by spinal cord compression, numbness in the arms, or legs and loss of bladder or bowel control. High levels of calcium can mean vomiting, dehydration, confusion, or abdominal discomfort. 

If you experience these symptoms, it’s important to talk to your doctor about them. Natural remedies or holistic treatment for prostate cancer are options and offer a way to gain control of your health and thrive.

Is there a Cure for Prostate Cancer?

Although there is currently no cure for metastatic prostate cancer, new therapies are constantly being worked on and improved upon. As with all cancers, these treatments affect men differently based on their overall health, the extent of the cancer and the types of treatments you receive.

In this article on tips for preventing prostate cancer 7 , you’ll find evidence that suggests diet plays a key role in prostate cancer and the spread of prostate cancer.

Based on the evidence, a few diet tips include:

  1. Eat Red Foods: Tomatoes, watermelon, and other red foods contain a  powerful antioxidant, lycopene. Recent studies 8 have shown that men who consume lycopene have a lower risk of prostate cancer.
  2. Fruits & Veggies: Fruits and veggies contain nutrients and vitamins that may lower the risk of prostate cancer. In addition, green veggies contain compounds that help the body break down carcinogens and, therefore, slow the spread of cancer. 
  3. Green Tea: A 2008 study 9 showed that men who drink green tea had a lower risk of advanced prostate cancer than those who don’t.

Home remedies for prostate cancer are often considered a complementary treatment to keep prostate cancer from spreading or to manage the side effects. In addition to a healthy diet, these treatments include essential oils, cannabis and herbal supplements, or plant extracts. 

Natural Treatments for Prostate Cancer 

At Immunity Therapy Center, we utilize a variety of alternative cancer treatments to strengthen your immune system while directly targeting your cancer cells. We take a holistic approach to prostate cancer and focus on the overall health of our patients.  

We offer a variety of options for holistic treatment for prostate cancer such as Cryoablation Therapy and intravenous solutions (DMSO, Customized IV Therapy and Hydrogen Peroxide IV). As part of our alternative therapy, we’re big advocates in the idea that your attitude truly affects the results of your cancer treatment program. We find patients with positive attitudes, and hope for their cancer therapy, see more successful results.

If you are interested in alternative prostate cancer treatment in Mexico, reach out to us today. Tijuana has become a hub for alternative cancer treatment centers, paving the way for holistic care to become part of the cancer treatment dialogue everywhere. We’re proud to be one of the leaders who offer prostate cancer natural treatment options.

We’re passionate about providing a customized alternative therapy treatment plan for each of our patients. If you or your loved one have tried mainstream medicine only to have relapsed or been economically drained, we’re here for you. Alternative medicine can be the answer to the perfect holistic treatment for prostate cancer.



Written By: Dr. David Alvarez

Dr. David Alvarez is a Board Certified Medical Doctor from Universidad Xochicalco and Certified by the American Heart Association (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support).

Dr. Alvarez has been collaborating with Dr. Bautista as an Assistant Medical Director at the Immunity Therapy Center for over 6 years. He provides daily on site patient care and participates on the medical board on research and development of patient treatment plans and programs. Dr. Alvarez is a knowledgeable and compassionate Doctor committed to helping patients get to where they want to be health wise through a more holistic and comprehensive approach.













November 18, 2019

Dr. Carlos Bautista is a Board Certified Medical Doctor. He received his Medical Degree from Universidad Autónoma de Baja California and has more than 20 years of experience working with Alternative Medicine to treat cancer, autoimmune diseases, chronic degenerative diseases, and infectious diseases. He opened Immunity Therapy Center in 2007 with the goal of providing the highest quality medical care for more than 5,000 patients.

At Immunity Therapy Center, our goal is to provide objective, updated, and research-based information on all health-related topics. This article is based on scientific research and/or other scientific articles. All information has been fact-checked and reviewed by Dr. Carlos Bautista, a Board Certified Medical Doctor at Immunity Therapy Center. All information published on the site must undergo an extensive review process to ensure accuracy. This article contains trusted sources with all references hyperlinked for the reader's visibility.