Breast cancer is recognized as one of the most common cancers worldwide, impacting millions of individuals annually. It manifests predominantly within the tissues of the breast, often leading to significant health challenges and, tragically, numerous deaths each year.

Global Incidence of Breast Cancer

How prevalent is breast cancer? According to recent statistics from global health authorities, approximately 2.1 million women were diagnosed with female breast cancer in 2018 alone. This staggering figure underscores the critical nature of ongoing research and improved treatment methodologies, as well as women being duly aware of how many types of breast cancer there are.

Breast cancer incidence rates vary by age, ethnicity, and geographical location. In the U.S., the median age at diagnosis for men is 68, compared to 63 for women. African-American men tend to be diagnosed at a younger age than caucasian men, with a median age at diagnosis of 65 for African-American men and 69 for white men. Non-Hispanic Black men have the highest male breast cancer incidence rate overall, while Non-Hispanic Asian and Pacific Islander men have the lowest.

The causes of breast cancer in females vary, but it consistently ranks as the most common cancer diagnosed among women across various regions. In the United States, female breast cancer accounts for about 30% of all new cancer diagnoses in women, making it an essential focus for healthcare strategies and prevention efforts. How common is breast cancer in women? It’s estimated that about 1 in 8 U.S. women will develop invasive breast cancer throughout their lifetime, highlighting the pervasive nature of this disease.

In 2024, it’s estimated that among women in the U.S., there will be 310,720 new cases of invasive breast cancer and 56,500 new cases of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), a non-invasive breast cancer. Additionally, 42,250 breast cancer deaths are expected among women in the U.S. in 2024. For men in the U.S., it’s estimated that there will be 2,790 new cases of invasive breast cancer and 530 breast cancer deaths in 2024.

The risk of breast cancer recurrence depends on the type and staging of the initial breast cancer, with the highest risk of recurrence during the first few years after treatment, decreasing over time. The early detection of breast cancer through annual mammography and other breast exams is the best defense, as the earlier the cancer is detected, the greater the likelihood of a successful outcome.

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Breast Cancer Incidence by Region

Breast cancer incidence and mortality rates vary significantly across different regions of the world. High-income countries, such as those in Northern America, Australia/New Zealand, and Northern and Western Europe, generally report higher incidence rates of breast cancer compared to less developed regions. This variation is influenced by factors such as the availability of mammography screening, prevalence of established breast cancer risk factors like obesity and alcohol consumption, and access to healthcare services.

In terms of geographical variation within countries, studies have consistently highlighted inequalities in breast cancer outcomes across different regions. These inequalities are often linked to factors such as economic status, access to healthcare services, and urban vs. rural areas. For example, women living in disadvantaged areas, whether economically, geographically, or in terms of access to general services, tend to face poorer outcomes for breast cancer.

The global burden of breast cancer is significant, with more than 2.26 million new cases in women in 2020. The 10 countries with the highest rates of breast cancer in women and the highest number of deaths from breast cancer in women in 2020 are shown in the tables provided.

In the United States, it’s estimated that among women in 2024, there will be 310,720 new cases of invasive breast cancer and 56,500 new cases of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), a non-invasive breast cancer. Additionally, 42,250 breast cancer deaths are expected among women in the U.S. in 2024.

Indeed, breast cancer incidence and mortality rates show significant variation across different regions of the world, influenced by factors such as socio-economic conditions, access to healthcare services, and lifestyle factors.

Risk Factors for Developing Breast Cancer

Understanding the risk factors for breast cancer is crucial in the fight against this common disease. These can be categorized into genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Age is the most significant risk factor, with the majority of cases occurring in women over 50 years old. Genetic factors include mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, which significantly increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Women carrying the “breast cancer gene” have a 45% to 85% chance of developing breast cancer by age 70, compared to 12% for women in the general population.

Lifestyle factors that increase the risk of breast cancer include alcohol consumption, obesity, and physical inactivity. Conversely, breastfeeding and maintaining a healthy weight can decrease risk. Environmental factors, such as radiation exposure at a young age, can also contribute to breast cancer risk. Socioeconomic factors, including poverty and limited access to healthcare, can lead to delayed detection and poorer outcomes for breast cancer patients.

It is important to note that having risk factors does not guarantee that a person will develop breast cancer, and many people without known risk factors still develop the disease. Regular breast examinations and mammograms are recommended for early detection and treatment of breast cancer. Genetic counseling and testing may be appropriate for individuals with a family history of breast cancer or other risk factors

Immunity Therapy Center’s Role in Breast Cancer Treatment

Located in Mexico, the Immunity Therapy Center offers options for those seeking breast cancer alternative treatment. ITC specializes in innovative, holistic approaches tailored to each patient’s unique condition and needs, emphasizing therapies that are less invasive and focus on the body’s natural healing capacities.

At ITC, the approach to treating breast cancer moves beyond the traditional methods like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Instead, our center embraces a variety of holistic and alternative treatments designed to support the body’s immune system while targeting the cancer cells. Treatments such as ozone therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and customized nutritional plans are key aspects of our programs. These methods not only aim to treat the cancer effectively but also to reduce the harsh side effects associated with standard cancer treatments, providing a safer and often more tolerable alternative for patients.

Immunity Therapy Center‘s commitment to alternative therapy is grounded in a philosophy that views each patient holistically, taking into account not just the physical symptoms of the disease but also the emotional and psychological health of patients. This patient-centered approach fosters a nurturing environment that encourages recovery and well-being. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with breast cancer and are seeking natural treatment, contact us today for more information.



  1. National Breast Cancer Foundation. Breast Cancer Facts & Stats
  2. National Library of Medicine – National Center of Biotechnology Information. Geographical Variation in Breast Cancer Outcomes
  3. World Cancer Research Fund International. Breast cancer statistics.
  4. National Breast Cancer Foundation. Risk Factors.

Dr. Carlos Bautista is a Board Certified Medical Doctor. He received his Medical Degree from Universidad Autónoma de Baja California and has more than 20 years of experience working with Alternative Medicine to treat cancer, autoimmune diseases, chronic degenerative diseases, and infectious diseases. He opened Immunity Therapy Center in 2007 with the goal of providing the highest quality medical care for more than 5,000 patients.

At Immunity Therapy Center, our goal is to provide objective, updated, and research-based information on all health-related topics. This article is based on scientific research and/or other scientific articles. All information has been fact-checked and reviewed by Dr. Carlos Bautista, a Board Certified Medical Doctor at Immunity Therapy Center. All information published on the site must undergo an extensive review process to ensure accuracy. This article contains trusted sources with all references hyperlinked for the reader's visibility.