A skin cancer diagnosis can feel unsettling, but the good news is nearly all cases are treatable. It’s estimated over three million Americans are diagnosed with skin cancer every year, some diagnosed with more than one type. Of these diagnoses, basal cell skin cancer is the most common, followed by squamous cell cancer. Increased sun exposure, improved skin cancer detection, and an expanded average life span all play a part in how frequently these cancers develop. 

In addition to the various skin cancer types, there’s also an array of treatment methods. In the past, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy were all expected cancer treatments, though now patients often seek alternative skin cancer natural treatment methods instead. Systemic treatments like immunotherapy destroy cancer cells while providing a holistic approach to care.

Since people respond differently to treatment, it’s beneficial to have options. Exploring the different types of skin cancer and alternative treatment methods can help to inform your healthcare decisions so you can make the best decision for you.

Types of Skin Cancer

There are a few different types of skin cancer that fall under one broad umbrella. It’s important to know the signs and symptoms of each as you determine your optimal route of care.

Basal Cell Carcinoma 

Basal cell carcinoma, also referred to as basal cell cancer, is the most common type of skin cancer. It accounts for approximately 8 out of 10 skin cancers. The primary cause is long-term ultraviolet (UV) exposure which damages the DNA and causes the rapid growth of basal cells. When left untreated, it can spread to other areas of the body and form tumors. 

Fortunately, there are several alternative treatments for basal cell skin cancer, which are less invasive than traditional methods like skin cancer surgery or mohs surgery and promote whole body health. Early detection is crucial as this is a slow-moving, highly treatable cancer. Signs to look out for include pearly white or slightly pink bumps on the skin that grow into flat, scaly red patches; brown, black, or blue lesions; or scar-like, waxy growths.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

This type of skin cancer is the second most common after basal cell carcinoma. Due to the rapid growth of squamous cells (which make up the middle and outer layers of skin), it can quickly appear throughout the body. Eventually, as a mass is formed, it can develop into tumors. Early signs include the appearance of firm, red nodules, flat sores with scaly crusts, or red, raised patches or sores anywhere on the skin. Unlike basal cell carcinoma, this form of cancer can be aggressive, but cases of squamous cell carcinoma are typically treatable with target therapy.

Natural Skin cancer treatment. Learn more!


Though not as prevalent, melanoma is a skin cancer that affects the cells that produce melanin. It accounts for only 1% of all skin cancer cases but is deemed one of the most serious. People with fair skin, weakened immune systems, and older in age have a greater risk of a melanoma diagnosis. However, alternative treatments for basal cell skin cancer, as well as squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma are available. 

Skin Cancer Alternative Treatments

When faced with a skin cancer diagnosis, it’s encouraging to have choices that are less invasive than traditional methods. In addition to attacking cancer cells, alternative skin cancer treatment also focuses on strengthening the immune system and preserving quality of life. Here are a few of the less invasive methods to consider. Each has the effectiveness to treat skin cancers even at advanced stages.

Graviola IV Therapy

Graviola is a natural alternative cancer treatment using the process of apoptosis, or cell death. As part of the evergreen tree family, Graviola’s main active component is acetogenin which has been proven to have anti-tumor effects. This modality is administered through an IV, allowing Graviola extract to enter directly into the bloodstream. 

Laser Cancer Treatment 

Due to increased precision capabilities, surgeons often prefer the use of lasers (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) as opposed to surgical tools or surgical removal for cancer treatment. A high-intensity light is aimed at areas to shrink or destroy tumors without causing damage to surrounding healthy tissue. Laser cancer treatment options such as carbon dioxide lasers and argan lasers, in particular, are both typically used for skin cancers by removing superficial cancer cells or a tumor cell.

Gerson Therapy

By using nutrition as a way to detox the body, it can strengthen the immune system and be a gentler, natural treatment against various diseases, including cancer. As a skin cancer alternative treatment, Gerson therapy applies three main components to its regimen: a vegetarian diet, daily vitamin supplements, and detox substances. Implementing an organic fruits and vegetables diet specifically aimed to detox the body provides a holistic approach to health and can be customized to meet each person’s unique needs.

Biomagnetic Therapy

This alternative cancer treatment uses magnetic energy fields to stimulate the body’s molecules and correct any disruptions which may be contributing to cancerous cell growth. This includes injecting nanoparticles into a tumor followed by time in a pulsed magnetic field to create heat that may shrink and/or damage tumors. This therapy can be performed with other treatments for a profound impact on a person’s overall health. 

Regenerative Cell Cancer Therapy

Regenerative cell cancer therapy, or peptide cancer treatment, uses an injection of peptides (a chain of amino acids which can easily be synthesized) to strengthen tissue structures and receptors. This skin cancer alternative treatment targets cell apoptosis and prevents the spread of cancer cells while also supporting tissue repair through regeneration. 

Enzyme Therapy

Enzymatic cancer therapy uses natural systemic enzymes to prevent cancerous growth by neutralizing cancer cells and shrinking tumors. One enzyme, in particular, PEG-KYNase supports the immune system’s ability to stop this growth. A treatment program implementing enzyme therapy is based on each patient’s particular health needs and the stage and severity of the cancer diagnosis. 

These are a few of the alternative treatments for skin cancer that are available. However, each plan is customized using a combination of therapies based on factors unique to each patient’s health history and diagnosis. Daily treatment evaluation will determine any necessary adjustments to kill cancer cells and also strengthen your immune system’s ability to fight cancer on its own. 

Holistic Care Starts with Prevention

Many cancers are preventable by actively making healthy choices and knowing how to screen for early detectors. In regards to skin cancer, specifically, many times the main damaging factor is too much time unprotected in the sun. To reduce your risk of carcinoma, here are a few best practices to keep in mind. 

Protect Yourself from UV Exposure

The sun’s UV rays can damage the skin and increase the chance of developing cancerous cells. Tanning beds and artificial sun lamps can also have the same negative effects. To protect yourself from excessive UV exposure, always wear sunscreen. Even cloudy days can leave you exposed to harmful rays. Reapply frequently, especially when in the sun between the highest peak hours of 10 AM and 4 PM. And wear a hat and sunglasses to shade the face, neck, and shoulders, which are highly susceptible to developing cancerous growths.

Know How to Spot Cancer Early

Detecting skin cancer early on can help you remove it before it spreads. It’s important to examine your skin at least once a month and note any lesions, prolonged redness, or other unusual symptoms. Take particular note of when skin growths, including moles, change in size, shape, or color. Also, look for open sores or spots that itch, crust, or do not heal within a few weeks. If these aren’t healing on their own, have them checked out by a medical professional. The sooner you spot skin cancer, the greater chance to stop cell growth from expanding into something bigger and less treatable.

Take Charge of Your Health

In general, being mindful of following a healthy lifestyle greatly reduces your risk for cancer. This includes maintaining a well-balanced diet, staying hydrated, and getting regular exercise. Also, steer clear of tobacco and excessive alcohol use as these can quickly cause toxic buildup in the body. Maintaining a strong immune system is highly effective in fighting cancer and maintaining balance in the body. Changing a few daily habits can make a big difference in preventing future diagnoses. 

A Less Invasive Approach to Cancer Treatment

There are many alternative therapy treatments for skin cancer. Each with a gentler approach than surgery procedures or a surgical excision, and as effective as these more invasive therapies. We’ll assess which one is right for you and your diagnosis and adjust your treatment as needed to secure optimal outcomes. Our goal is to provide a less invasive treatment option to fight cancer and get you to better health. 

Each patient will have a different timeline depending on the type, stage, and severity of the cancer. We engage you every step of the way to make the experience as comfortable and encouraging as possible. Our alternative therapies give you another option when deciding how to approach your care.

For questions about our skin cancer alternative treatment options and to learn how we can customize a program for you, contact us today.


Written By: Dr. David Alvarez

Dr. David Alvarez is a Board Certified Medical Doctor from Universidad Xochicalco and Certified by the American Heart Association (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support).

Dr. Alvarez has been collaborating with Dr. Bautista as an Assistant Medical Director at the Immunity Therapy Center for over 6 years. He provides daily on site patient care and participates on the medical board on research and development of patient treatment plans and programs. Dr. Alvarez is a knowledgeable and compassionate Doctor committed to helping patients get to where they want to be health wise through a more holistic and comprehensive approach.



  1. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/basal-and-squamous-cell-skin-cancer/about/key-statistics.html
  2. https://www.skincancer.org/early-detection/


March 25, 2023

Dr. Carlos Bautista is a Board Certified Medical Doctor. He received his Medical Degree from Universidad Autónoma de Baja California and has more than 20 years of experience working with Alternative Medicine to treat cancer, autoimmune diseases, chronic degenerative diseases, and infectious diseases. He opened Immunity Therapy Center in 2007 with the goal of providing the highest quality medical care for more than 5,000 patients.

At Immunity Therapy Center, our goal is to provide objective, updated, and research-based information on all health-related topics. This article is based on scientific research and/or other scientific articles. All information has been fact-checked and reviewed by Dr. Carlos Bautista, a Board Certified Medical Doctor at Immunity Therapy Center. All information published on the site must undergo an extensive review process to ensure accuracy. This article contains trusted sources with all references hyperlinked for the reader's visibility.